Sustainability and Climate Governance - International launch event - The Cambridge Handbook of Sustainable Finance
International Book Presentation: “EU Sustainable Finance: Regulation, Supervision and Governance” in cooperation with the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in International Trade and Global Affairs at the University of Adelaide and the Antonin Scalia Law School at the George Mason University (online)
25 June 2024 – 12:00 UTC – 18:00 CEST – 01:30 ACST

Sustainable Finance in the EU – taking stock and the challenges ahead
EUSFiL Research Conference in cooperation with the EUI – European University Institute (Florence) and the University of Zurich
21 May and 3 June 2024
Private investments are becoming a fundamental driver for the transition towards a sustainable economy. The European Union has adopted a broad array of regulatory strategies to leverage on the financial sector to protect the environment, deliver a fairer society, and improve governance. Consequently, sustainability and its regulation increasingly affect company, banking, and capital markets law.
The event will present the 'Cambridge Handbook of EU Sustainable Finance' edited by Kern Alexander, Matteo Gargantini and Michele Siri, a forthcoming collection of essays that address the most salient developments in financial law within the European Union and beyond.
This event is held in the framework of the EUI Climate Week, and it's co-organised with by the European University Institute (EUI) and the University of Zurich.

EU Book Presentation: “EU Sustainable Finance: Regulation, Supervision and Governance”
AEDBF-Belgium, Jan Ronse Institute (KU Leuven) and Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence EUSFiL - The Impact of EU Sustainable Finance Regulation on Financial Institutions’ Governance, Activities and Services
22 March 2024
Auditorium Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) Bruxelles
Anticipating the publication of the Cambridge handbook on Sustainable Finance with contributions by top academics in this field, we organise panel discussions with authors of the handbook and practitioners-respondents.

EUSFiL is part of ESA University Network Programme
28 November 2023
ESAs announced to EUSFiL that it was admitted as Network Member of the ESA University Network Programme!
The network currently comprises 40 European universities from 14 different countries.​

Sustainable finance and investor protection
04 October 2023
16:30-17:30 CET
Opening remarks and chair:
Michele Siri (EUSFiL Director)
Eugenia Macchiavello (Department of Law, Unige)
Paola Soccorso (Economic Research Department Consob)
Barbara Alemanni (Department of Economics, Unige)

Sustainability in corporations and finance: the role of reporting and gatekeepers
12 April 2023
16:00 -18:00 CET
Sustainability auditing under the CSRD - what role for the new gatekeepers?
New and Old Gatekeeping: The case of Sustainability Ratings and Benchmarks
Presentations by PhD candidates of the PhD School in Sustainable development and climate change and PhD school in Law.
Lecturer: Prof. Anne - Marie Weber and Prof. Matteo Gargantini ​

Implementation of EU Sustainable Finance Action Plan
25 November 2022
08:30 -12:00 CET
The European plan for sustainable finance.
The European taxonomy.
Climate-related benchmarks
Sustainable finance disclosure.
ESG and organizational and conduct duties.
Green bonds.
Financial education for sustainability.
Non financial reporting.
Lecturer: Prof. Eugenia Macchiavello and Prof. Michele Siri

Sustainable Development and Corporate Governance
18 November 2022
08:30 -12:00 CET
Profit maximization and social value in corporate capitalism
The new "stakeholderism"
What is the role of corporate governance in sustainability?
Is corporate law reform necessary to achieve sustainable corporate governance?
Lecturer: Prof. Gudo Ferrarini

2022 ECMI Annual Conference - 2022 ECMI Best Paper: "Information Intermediaries and Sustainability: ESG ratings and benchmarks in the European Union"
09 November 2022
The weaponisation of finance, in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, has demonstrated the strength of a unified financial legal system for capital markets. This should help the EU to make similar decisions for its own capital markets and achieve unity to address remaining differences to allow markets to function as drivers for economic growth. This is where CMU matters most.

The Cambridge Handbook of EU Sustainable Finance
Regulation, Supervision and Governance
28 October 2022

Sustainable Finance and Investor Protection
03 October 2022
15:30 -16:30 CET
Lecturers: Prof. Michele Siri - Prof. Eugenia Macchiavello -
Dr. Paola Soccorso - Prof. Barbara Alemanni
Introduction to Sustainable Finance
14 October 2022
08:30-11:45 CET
UN Sustainable Development Goals and international and EU initiatives
The role of finance and the EU sustainable finance goals
Sustainable finance: definitions, strategies and products
COVID-19 pandemic and sustainable finance
Technology and sustainable finance
Lecturer: Prof. Eugenia Macchiavello

The Cambridge Handbook of EU Sustainable Finance
Regulation, Supervision and Governance
09 September 2022

The Green Transition in times of war and energy crisis
Closing conference of the International Summer School in Banking and Capital Markets Law
15 July 2022

International summer school in Banking & Capital Markets Law - V edition
11 - 15 July 2022

“Spring Talks” on Banking, Insurance and Financial Law
Young Researchers’ Conference on The Integration of CSR and ESG in EU Law in cooperation with the European Banking Institute (EBI), the University of Turin and the Italian Academic Society of Law and Economics (online)
7-14 April, 5-9 May 2022
15:00-17:00 CET

European Commission Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence ECGI, in collaboration with the SSE Institute for Corporate Governance
28-29 March 2022

EU Sustainable Finance Strategy
19 November 2021
10:00-13:00 CET
A European plan for sustainable finance
The European taxonomy
Climate-related benchmarks
Sustainable finance disclosure
ESG and organizational and conduct duties
Green bonds
Financial education for sustainability
Non financial reporting
Lecturers: Prof. Eugenia Macchiavello - Prof. Michele Siri – Dr. Shanshan Zhu

Sustainable Development and Corporate Governance
12 November 2021
10:00-13:00 CET
Profit maximization and social value in corporate capitalism
The new "stakeholderism"
What is the role of corporate governance in sustainability?
Is corporate law reform necessary to achieve sustainable corporate governance?
Lecturer: Prof. Gudo Ferrarini

SUSFIN: International Financial Regulation and Sustainability -
Implementation and Enforcement Challenges
EUSFiL Research Conference in cooperation with the University of Geneva, the MPI Luxembourg and the University of Zurich
09 November 2021
9:00-17:00 CET
Introduction to Sustainable Finance
05 November 2021
10:00-13:00 CET
UN Sustainable Development Goals and international and EU initiatives
The role of finance and the EU sustainable finance goals
Sustainable finance: definitions, strategies and products
COVID-19 pandemic and sustainable finance
Technology and sustainable finance
Lecturer: Prof. Eugenia Macchiavello

Sustainable Finance and Investor Protection
04 October 2021
11:00-12:00 CET
The webinar (in Italian) aims to inform the general public: in particular investors but also students, practitioners, corporates etc. - on sustainable finance and the recent rules introduce or to be introduce in order to protect investors taking into account their preferences in selecting ESG investments.
Speakers: M. Siri, E. Macchiavello, B. Alemanni, P. Soccorso
​EUSFiL International Research Group Online webinar
9-10 September 2021
The authors - members of EUSFiL Research Team, will give a short presentation of and discuss the outline of their chapters.

'Green Fintech’: Can Technology Contribute to Achieving Environmental Goals? ​
11 May 2021
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano

Sustainable Finance and Investor Protection
20 October 2020
14:00-15:00 CET
The webinar (in Italian) aims to inform the general public: in particular investors but also students, practitioners, corporates etc. - on sustainable finance and the recent rules introduce or to be introduce in order to protect investors taking into account their preferences in selecting ESG investments.
Speakers: M. Siri, E. Macchiavello, S. Zhu
Sustainable development and sustainable finance
COVID-19 and sustainable finance
Strategies of sustainable finance
Benefits and risks associated to sustainable finance products
EU reform on sustainable finance
FinTech and sustainable Finance