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Barbara Alemanni

Academic Fellow

Barbara Alemanni is Affiliate Professor of Banking and Insuranceat at SDA Bocconi School of Management. Since January 2018, she is Banking and Insurance Faculty Deputy at SDA Bocconi School of Management. She is Full Professor of Financial Market and Institutions at Genoa University.

Her research activities focus on asset management; alternative investments; behavioural finance; securities market microstructure; macrostructure and regulation in securities markets.

She is the author of numerous books and articles on the subject. Her works have been published by major domestic and international editors (Kluwer, Oxford Univesrity Press, Il Mulino, EGEA, ABI editrice) and in Bancaria, Banca e Banchieri, Impresa e progetto, European Journal of Finance and Working paper CAREFIN, among others. She is a member of the editorial board of the magazines Finanza, marketing, produzione, Forum Bancaria and Economia&Management. She has been appointed to the group of Economic Advisors of ESMA. 

Barbara earned a Degree in Business Administration from Bocconi University, an Msc in Finance from City University Business School and an ITP (International Techers Programme) in Aix-en-Provence.

More about Barbara Alemanni



Filippo Annunziata

Academic Fellow

Filippo Annunziata, PhD, is associate professor in Financial Market Law at Bocconi University in Milan and Adjunct Professor of Musicology at the Università degli Studi di Milano, Faculty of Humanistic Sciences (since 2013). He is a member of the following boards, committees and associations: Editorial Committee of ‘Rivista delle società, Teaching Board of the PhD in Economics Law – Luigi Bocconi University in Milan, Executive Committee of the research centre ‘Paolo Baffi’ – Bocconi University, Editorial Committee of ‘Rivista di diritto societario’, Italian Association of Comparative Law, Association Europe ́enne de Droit Bancaire et Financier – Italian division, Disiano Preite Association for the study of company and commercial law, Court of Honour of ASSORETI, Scientific Committee of the Kluwer-IPSOA Master on Financial Markets.

More about Filippo Annunziata



Roberto Barontini

Academic Fellow

Roberto Barontini, PhD, is full professor of Corporate Finance at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa (Italy). He is member of the editorial Board of the Journal of Management and Governance and Sustainability. 

His research currently focuses on corporate governance, capital budgeting, risk management, and innovation financing. In particular, within the corporate governance area the research activity is primarily concentrated on Family Firms, Executive Compensation, Board Dynamics, Ownership Structure. Recently a new research area has been developed focusing on the relationship between finance, corporate governance and sustainability management. More specially, the impact of green practices and their disclosure on performance has been examined for a large sample of listed firms. Other working papers consider the corporate governance determinants of environmental practices, in particular as regards board characteristics and the ownership structure. 

More about Roberto Barontini


Jens-Hinrich Binder

Academic Fellow

Jens-Hinrich Binder is a Professor of Law at Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet Tuebingen (since April 2013), where he holds a Chair in Private Law, Commercial and Corporate Law. He graduated from the University of Freiburg in 2000 (Erstes Staatsexamen, LL.B. equivalent) and holds an LL.M. in banking and finance law from the London School of Economics and Political Science (2001) as well as a doctorate from the University of Freiburg (2003/2004). He qualified as a practitioner under German Law in 2004 (Zweites Staatsexamen). In 2004, he spent four months as a trainee attorney with the banking and financial law department of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Frankfurt.

Following his postdoctoral degree of Habilitation, which he was awarded in 2010 at the University of Freiburg, he held visiting professorships at the Universities of Munich (2010) and Mainz (2010-11), before he was appointed, in October 2011, to a Chair in Private Law, Corporate, Banking and Securities Law at EBS Law School in Wiesbaden (held until March 2013). His research interests focus on the areas of banking and securities regulation, corporate and insolvency law. He has published two treatises on bank insolvency law and the regulation of corporations, respectively, as well as numerous articles in both German and international law reviews.

More about Jens-Hinrich Binder


Tomasz Braun

Academic Fellow

Deputy Rector for International Cooperation, Chairman of the Expert Board of Lazarski University. 

Tomasz Braun has a PhD degree in law – he is a practicing lawyer and academic lecturer. During his experience gained as a General Counsel and a board member of various international financial institutions he has gained a practical knowledge of functioning of global businesses. He specialises in financial markets, international restructurings, processes improvements and new products implementation, mergers and acquisition transactions and in complex negotiations. Supports the companies within the restructuring processes and changing the profiles of their activities is also within the range of his experiences. He advises on corporate and financial law matters as well as administrative and regulatory issues. 

More about Tomasz Braun


Aline Darbellay

Academic Fellow

Aline Darbellay is Assistant Professor of Law at the Center for Banking and Financial Law at the University of Geneva. In 2010, she was Research Associate at the University of San Diego School of Law. In 2014-2015, she was Research Fellow at the Chair in Law and Finance at the University of Zurich. She has taught corporate law as visiting lecturer at the University of Zurich. She is admitted to practice law in New York. She is the author of a monograph, Regulating Credit Rating Agencies, published in 2013. Her research interests are in issues related to securities regulation, digital capital markets and sovereign debt.

More about Aline Darbellay


Academic Fellow

Arthur van den Hurk is a research fellow at the Institute of Financial Law, part of the Research Center for Company & Law, of the law faculty of the Radboud University in Nijmegen. He publishes regularly in the area of financial services law in general. His research and publications focus primarily on insurance regulation, in particular prudential regulation, recovery & resolution and group supervision and more recently, as well on sustainable finance and insurance regulation. He lectures insurance regulation as part of the master studies on Financial Law in Nijmegen. 

He started his career as an attorney in a law firm in the Netherlands and is currently working as senior regulatory counsel at Aegon N.V. 

He studied law at Erasmus University in Rotterdam and Università “La Sapienza” in Rome and has completed postgraduate courses in mergers and acquisitions and securities law (Grotius Academy). He is chairman of the legal and regulatory committee of the Dutch Association of Insurers, and is representing the Dutch Association of Insurers on selected regulatory topics within Insurance Europe. He is a member of the policy committee of European Issuers, the trade body of listed companies in Europe. Furthermore, he is editorial board member of the Dutch financial law journal “Tijdschrift voor Financieel Recht”, regular contributor to the Dutch legal journal “Ars Aequi” and to other legal journals and contributes to two commentaries to the Dutch Financial Supervision Act.

More about van den Hurk

Matteo Gargantini

Matteo Gargantini

Academic Fellow

Matteo Gargantini is Assistant Professor of European Economic Law. Before joining the University of Utrecht, Matteo worked at Consob, the Italian Securities and Exchange Commission, and at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law (as a Senior Research Fellow).

He also worked in the Capital Markets and Listed Companies Unit of Assonime, the Association of the Italian joint-stock companies. Since July 2020, he is a member of the Consultative Working Group (CWG) of ESMA Corporate Finance Standing Committee (CFSC).

Matteo obtained a PhD in Law and Economics (Banking and Financial Markets Law) from the University of Siena. He holds the Italian National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor of Law and Economics and Financial Markets Law (since 2013) and of Business Law (since 2020). His main fields of research are capital markets, banking, and company law.

More about Matteo Gargantini


Christos Gortsos

Academic Fellow

Professor Dr. Christos Gortsos is Professor of Public Economic Law at the Law School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. In addition, inter alia, he is Visiting Professor at the European Institute of the University of Saarland and Research Partner in the University Research Priority Program (URPP): Financial Market Regulation of the University of Zürich. He also has teaching assignments at the European Institute of the University of Zürich and at the European Law Academy (Trier, Germany), and is a member of the Committee on International Monetary Law of the International Law Association (MoComILA). He studied (at undergraduate and graduate level) law, economics and finance at the Universities of Athens, Zürich, Pennsylvania (Wharton Business School) and at the Graduate Institute of International Studies (ΙUΗΕΙ) of the Geneva University, where he was awarded his PhD in international banking regulation (1996). His main fields of teaching, writing and research are international, EU and public monetary and financial law, central banking law, financial regulation and institutional economics.

More about Christos V. Gortsos


Seraina Gruenewald

Academic Fellow

Prof. Dr. Seraina Gruenewald holds the Chair for European and Comparative Financial Law at Radboud University Nijmegen. She is also affiliated as a research fellow with the interdisciplinary University Research Priority Programme Financial Market Regulation of the University of Zurich. Moreover, she represents Radboud University Nijmegen on the Academic Board of the European Banking Institute.
Prior to her appointment at Radboud University Nijmegen, Professor Gruenewald was an Assistant Professor of Financial Market Law at the University of Zurich, where she also obtained her PhD. The PhD thesis was written at Yale and Harvard Law Schools and informed by Professor Gruenewald's participation in the distinguished Internship Program of the International Monetary Fund. In 2012, Professor Gruenewald was a trainee at the European Central Bank. She is also admitted to the Swiss bar.

More about Seraina Gruenewald


Geneviève Helleringer 

Academic Fellow

Geneviève Helleringer is a Law Professor at Essec Business School, IECL Lecturer in French Law and Business Law at the Law Faculty and a research fellow of Lady Margaret Hall (Oxford).

Her research focuses on contract, corporate and financial law and alternative dispute resolution, and draws on insights from economics, sociology and psychology. She has written, edited, or contributed to numerous books and articles. She is an executive editor of the Journal of Financial Regulation (Oxford University Press) and editorial board member of the Studies in European Economic Law and Regulation book series (Springer). Geneviève has been a visiting fellow at the Max Planck Institute in Hamburg and a visiting professor at UCLA. Geneviève holds a JD from Columbia University (1999), an MSc in legal sociology from Paris II Panthéon Assas University (2009), as well as an MSc and a doctorate in private law from the Sorbonne University (2010) (receiving three national prizes for her doctoral thesis, including the French Academy Grand Prize). She is admitted to the New York and the Paris Bars. She studied philosophy, mathematics, and literature, as an undergraduate, and economics and social sciences later at Essec Business School and Sciences-Po Paris, as well as experimental psychology at a graduate level at Oxford University. Before completing her doctoral work, she worked for Shiseido in Japan and practised corporate law at Willkie Farr & Gallagher and at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in New York and Paris (2000-2006).

More about Geneviève Helleringer


Jennifer Hill

Academic Fellow

Jennifer Hill is the inaugural Bob Baxt AO Professor of Corporate and Commercial Law at Monash University Faculty of Law and the Director of the Centre for Commercial Law and Regulatory Studies (CLARS). Jennifer is an internationally recognised legal scholar in the field of comparative corporate law and governance. Her recent scholarship has focused on governance issues, such as corporate culture; shareholder stewardship and activism; directors’ duties and transnational legal orders; common ownership; private ordering by shareholders and directors; and executive compensation.

Jennifer’s work is widely cited in academic literature in Australia, the United States, Europe and Asia. A number of her papers have been reprinted in the Corporate Practice Commentator as among the Ten Best Corporate and Securities articles of the year in North America. Her research has formed the basis for law reform. It has also been cited in government reports and by courts in Australia and the United States.

More about Jennifer Hill


Iwa Kuchciak

Academic Fellow

Iwa is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lods. She conducts research on the role of financial education, financial innovation and in particular in the determinants of social media adoption by local banks and its consequences.

Since 2013, she is also a member of Polish Banking Qualification Standards Committee. 

More about Iwa Kuchciak

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Diletta Lenzi

Academic Fellow

Diletta Lenzi is Assistant Professor in Business and Company Law at the University of Genoa since 2024. Before joining the University of Genoa, Diletta worked for the University of Trento (2018-2020) and the University of Florence (2020-2023). She carried out research activities at the Georgetown University (2015) and the Harris Manchester College of the University of Oxford (2017). She worked as a consultant at the World Bank Legal Vice-Presidency - Global Forum on Law Justice and Development (2015-2016) and at the UNIDROIT Secretariat as ‘Sir Roy Goode Scholar’ (2023).

Diletta obtained a PhD in Business and Company Law at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, with a thesis on Corporate law and the risk of environmental damage, in 2018. She holds the Italian National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor of Business Law (since 2023), and she is a member of the editorial board of the journal "Il diritto fallimentare e delle società commerciali" and of the editorial board of the journal "International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal".

Her main fields of research are company law, insolvency law, and business and sustainability.

More about Diletta Lenzi

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Eugenia Macchiavello

Academic Fellow

Eugenia Macchiavello is Assistant Professor in Banking Law and Financial Markets Regulation at the University of Genoa, where she also oversees the student internship programme at financial institutions. She has been teaching banking law and supervising theses in the same area since 2013, obtaining the Italian license as Associate Professor in Economic Law in October 2018. Since 2021, she has been supervisor of Ph.D. candidates in the area of Sustainable Finance Regulation and Academic Board member of the first nation-wide transdisciplinary Ph.D. in Sustainable development and Climate Change in Italy (University of Genoa with IUSS Pavia and more than other 30 Italian Universities). Eugenia is a member of the Italian Association of Professors in Economic Law (ADDE) and of the Associated Researchers Group (ARG) of the European Banking Institute (EBI) as well as former participant to the Italian Financial Markets Authority (Consob) Expert Working Group on FinTech and former visiting Fellow at the NYU Center of Financial Institution.

She holds a Master degree in law (with honours, University of Genoa, 2006), a Ph.D. in Corporate Governance (University of Genoa, 2011) and a LL.M. (New York University School of Law, 2010). She is author of the first book on microfinance regulation in Europe from a comparative law and multi-disciplinary perspective (“Microfinance and Financial Inclusion”, Routledge, 2018) and of more than fifty journal articles and book chapters in the areas of financial regulation and business law. Her current research interests are: Fintech, alternative and inclusive finance regulation, sustainable finance.

More about Eugenia Macchiavello


Monika Marcinkowska

Academic Fellow

Professor Monika Marcinkowska is the head of the Banking Department and Institute of Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Łódź, Poland.

In past she has worked for several banks and now is an independent member of supervisory boards of two financial institutions.

She coordinated several research project concerning corporate governance, bank value measurement and management, financial exclusion, impact of banking regulation on growth etc.

Monika is the author of several books (inter alia: Corporate governance in banks – theory and practice; Relationship capital in banks; Capital standards for banks) and articles on banking regulations, financial stability, corporate governance in banks and value management.

She is a member of the editorial board of four scientific journals and is an independent reviewer for research organisations and scientific journals. She is a member and vice-chairperson of the Committee of Finance Science of the Polish Academy of Science and a member of the Committee for the Evaluation of Scientific Entities at the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Monika holds PhD in management, habilitation degree in economics and is a full professor of finance and banking.

She was elected to the Stakeholder Group of the European Banking Authority with effect of 15 April, 2016.

More about Monika Marcinkowska


Sebastian Mock

Academic Fellow

Professor Dr. Sebastian Mock is a full Professor of Law at the Vienna University of Economics and Business in Vienna at the Institute for Business Law (since 2018). He teaches Corporate Law, Securities Regulation, Commercial and Bankruptcy Law. In addition to teaching in Austria and Germany Sebastian has also taught corporate, capital market and bankruptcy law in China, Russia, and Italy. His books and articles have been published in the United States and Europe and his main areas of research are company law, capital market law and bankruptcy law with their European and international aspects. He is the co-editor of the first commentary on the Market Abuse Regulation (Marco Ventoruzzo/Sebastian Mock, Market Abuse Regulation, Oxford University Press 2017) and a co-editor of the leading case book on comparative corporate law (Marco Ventoruzzo/Pierre-Henri Conac/Gen Goto/Sebastian Mock/Mario Notari/Arad Reisberg, Comparative Corporate Law – Case Book, West Publishers 2015).

More about Sebastian Mock

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Alessio M. Pacces

Academic Fellow

Alessio Maria Pacces (Naples, 1971) is professor of law and finance at the Amsterdam Law School and the Amsterdam Business School. Moreover, he is the director of the Amsterdam Center for Law and Economics (ACLE) and of the Master in Law and Finance at the University of Amsterdam. Previously, Alessio was endowed professor of law and finance and the director of the European Master of Law and Economics (EMLE) at the Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Prior to entering academia, he worked at the research department of the Bank of Italy and at the Italian Securities Authority (Consob). Since 2009, he has been a research member of the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI).

Alessio’s research focuses on the economic analysis of corporate law and financial regulation. On these topics, he published articles in journals such as Harvard Business Law Review, American Business Law Journal, and International Review of Law and Economics, among others, as well as books and chapters with houses such as Elgar, Routledge, Cambridge and Oxford University Press. He was invited to speak by several policy institutions, such as among others the OECD, the European Central Bank, and the European Commission. He had several visiting positions, including among others at Berkeley, Columbia, Haifa, and LUISS in Rome.

More about Alessio M. Paces


Iris Palm-Steyerberg

Academic Fellow

Iris Palm-Steyerberg is a litigation laywer (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) and the manager at the Legal Department Dutch Authorities of the Financial Markets (the Netherlands).

She is also head of Department Legal Department Dutch Central Bank (the Netherlands). 

Moreover, she is PhD candidate at the Business & Law Research Centre (OO&R) Radboud University Nijmegen (the Netherlands), thesis: Fit and proper testing put into a European perspective, and fellow at the Business & Law Research Centre (OO&R), Radboud University Nijmegen (the Netherlands).

More about Iris Palm-Steyerberg


David Ramos Munoz

Academic Fellow

David Ramos Munoz is Senior Lecturer (Profesor Ayudante Doctor) of Commercial Law at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

David Ramos Muñoz teaches courses on Commercial Law, Corporate Law, the Law of Financial Markets, International Business Law and Credit and Banking, in undergraduate and Master, in Italian, English and Spanish.

He is the author of numerous pubblications in the Law of Financial Markets, including his Law of Transnational Securitization, and EU Financial Law, the latter together with Marco Lamandini, Corporate Law, Arbitration and International Contract Law, and Fundamental Rights.

He is a member of the Madrid Bar, and an arbitrator at the Madrid Arbitration Court. He does consulting on cross-border issues, and matters related to the Law of Financial Markets.

More about David Ramos Munoz


Paolo Saguato

Academic Fellow

Paolo Saguato I​s Professor of Law and Founder and Executive Director of the Program on Financial Markets at Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University. Paolo’s teaching and research interests focus on international, US, and EU financial regulation and, more specifically, the regulation of banks, securities and derivatives markets, and financial market infrastructures; financial innovation and technology; and corporate law and theory. Paolo serves on the Consultative Working Group of the European Securities and Markets Authority’s Central Counterparty (CCP) Policy Committee and on the CCP Risk and Governance Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Subcommittee.

His research has been featured in publications including the Yale Journal on Regulation; the Stanford Journal of Law, Business and Finance; the Ohio State Law Journal; the Journal of Corporate Law Studies; and the Oxford Handbook of Financial Regulation. Paolo is a co-editor of one of the leading books on financial market infrastructures, Financial Market Infrastructures - Law and Regulation (Oxford University Press, 2022); and the co-author of “Business Associations: A Modern Approach” (Foundation Press, 2023).

Professor Saguato graduated summa cum laude from the University of Genoa Law School (Italy) and earned a PhD in Private, Business, and International Law at the same university. In addition, he holds a LLM from Yale Law School, which he attended as a Fulbright Scholar.

More about Paolo Saguato


Pierre Schammo

Research Team Member

Pierre Schammo is a Reader in Law at Durham Law School. Before joining Durham University, he was a lecturer at the University of Manchester, School of Law (2007-2012) and a research fellow in European financial and corporate law at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law in London (2006-2007). He trained as a lawyer in Luxembourg. Pierre completed his D.Phil degree at the University of Oxford (Magdalen College) after graduating from the universities of Leiden, the Netherlands (LL.M., cum laude) and Strasbourg, France (maîtrise en droit privé, mention bien). 

Pierre Schammo’s research is mainly at the intersection of financial/banking law, EU law and ‘law in context’ analysis. He has written extensively on prospectus regulation, including a monograph on EU prospectus law published with Cambridge University Press in 2011. His research also includes work on the European System of Financial Supervision, the Banking Union and the proposed Capital Markets Union. His work on abuse of law, the European System of Financial Supervision and the Capital Markets Union has been cited by the Court of Justice of the European Union (legal opinions in Case C-270/12 United Kingdom vs European Parliament and Council, ECLI:EU:C:2013:562 and Case C-251/16 Cussens and others v T.G. Brosnan, ECLI:EU:C:2017:648) and by the European Commission (in the context of the Commission's initiatives on SME funding (SWD(2017) 229 final/2, June 2017; and crowdfunding (final report, December 2017)). 

More about Pierre Schammo


Wim Schoutens

Academic Fellow

Wim Schoutens is professor in financial engineering at the University of Leuven, Belgium. He has extensive practical experience of model implementation and validation. He is well known for his consulting work to the banking industry and national and supra-national institutions.

He is an independent expert advisor to the European Commission, has worked for the IMF and is the author of several books on quantitative finance.

He is also member of different editorial Boards of international finance journals.

Wim is also a founding partner of RiskConcile, a fintech company with roots within the University of Leuven.

More about Wim Schoutens


Shanshan Zhu

Academic Fellow

Dr. Shanshan Zhu is Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Sustainable Financial Regulation and Adjunct Professor of Company Law of Tourism at the University of Genoa (Italy). Her research interests are corporate governance, organizational culture, finance and banking regulation, CSR and sustainable finance. 

Since November 2015 she is Junior Research Fellow at the Genoa Centre for Law and Finance.

In May 2019, she obtained her Ph.D with the dissertation "Corporate Governance of Banks: An interdisciplinary approach to establish a sound culture". In 2019 she has also obtained the national license as attorney in Milan.

Since January 2018, she is also Sustainability Specialist at FinScience Srl.

More about Shanshan Zhu

Barbara Alemanni
Filippo Annunziata
Van Den Hurk
Ramos Munoz
Shanshan Zhu

Ref. Project: 620519-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EPPJMO-CoE - 


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